Weforsea provides a crowdfunding platform for capital, where investors and capital applicants can find each other. Partly due to our background, experience and expertise, we focus primarily on maritime and fishery-related projects. We want to make sure good, viable and sustainable ideas can be funded quickly so that they can be translated into reality.
Crowdfunding is an alternative way of financing a project. In most cases, entrepreneurs approach the banks to request credit and raise start-up capital for a project. Crowdfunding, however, operates without financial intermediaries by bringing investors and entrepreneurs into direct contact with each other. As such, investors are consumers or companies that wish to invest their savings in businesses at a higher interest rate. Capital applicants are companies looking for investment in their business or project. It is possible to invest in projects for as little as €250.
In order to meet all the requirements of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, we have a partnership agreement with Crowdpartners BV from Almere.
So far we have been able to use the platform to launch 10 inland vessels and a fishing cutter. We have also financed a number of projects in the fish processing industry, including a new business site. At the moment the first project in the offshore industry is online. In other words, we serve all aspects of the maritime and fishing sectors.